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How To Come Up With New Product Ideas

Posted on May 21, 2022 by Robert Porter
Have you ever wanted to add new products to your exsisting product line? Obviously one way to do this is to discover a product that's already developed and start selling that.Affiliate programs are wonderful for that.Another thing you can do is develop your own new product.Below are 10 ways you can think of new product ideas.- Solve an existing problem for people.There are thousands of problems in the world...

Growing Your Business On-line: A Fresh Perspective

Posted on April 5, 2022 by Robert Porter
As opposed to thinking about the web as technology, let's consider the web as a purely connective device - perhaps the most powerful connective tool that mankind has created to date.The internet can literally - physically - join businesses, people, ideas, and procedures instantly.It can bring people and businesses which may be miles apart together to appear as though they're united, and in 1 place...

Simple Steps to a Great Banner Ad

Posted on March 6, 2022 by Robert Porter
Everyone is using them now and if you are planning on creating your own banner ad then there are a few things that you ought to know.Standard SizeKeep to standards.I know that if your ad is slightly larger it may get more attention but if we all start doing this where will it stop? Creating an ad that is larger than standard isn't the best way to get attention.And in many places they will ask that you keep to the industry standard...

Dramatically Boost Your Exposure With A Press Release

Posted on February 16, 2022 by Robert Porter
Here are a few things to keep in mind when writing a post for publication:1) ALWAYS target your releases to the appropriate media.Take your time to find out more about different forms of media available in your particular market niche.Don't attempt sell or advertise.Failure to do this will have your press release in the trash somewhere.Dealing with the editor by providing newsworthy information to offer his/her readers will offer the editor with the incentive to work with you...

Internet Marketing On A Budget

Posted on January 8, 2022 by Robert Porter
Establishing a web presence on the world wide web is based on two factors when you're on a budget, your willingness to devote time to your marketing efforts, and knowing the true facts of what actually works in the area of online advertising.There are many site promotion companies that promise to generate traffic for your website, but if you're a business online, you want more than just hits; you want prospective customers to see your website...